50th Marketing image ATASDAJennie-maree Tempest, Barking Mad, detail

2024 was our BIG Year of celebration to commemorate 50 years of ATASDA

The Collaborative Golden Cape

One garment representing 50 years of creativity in textile arts.
Members of ATASDA joined together to create a beautiful cape comprising of 50 art panels inspired by 50 past ATASDA artworks. Each contribution to the Cape was a personal response to its corresponding historic artwork and its story. The Golden Cape, embellished with these beautiful cameos of textile art and surface design is travelling and is being displayed throughout Australia.

Follow some of the stories of these art works at Wilma’s blog https://empresswu.blogspot.com/search/label/50thanniversary

To be included on a list for a visit from the Collaborative Cape contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Exhibitions were held in Brush Farm House, Sydney in June-July 2024., and in Box Hill Whitehourse Art Space, Melbourne in November-December 2024. Once again, our members harnessed their creativity and diversity to present a wonderful range of artworks in diverse textile media, techniques, concepts and styles for this commemorative exhibition.

 Touch of Gold Cropped e vite 


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Faces and Flora Suitcase is currently touring the Northern Territory after travelling in Victoria for 3 months.

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