Since 2007, QLD Branch has provided an enthusiastic, friendly environment for all like-minded textile artists.

The Branch offers a mixture of formal, informal, educational and display activities. The program of workshops, social days and quarterly meetings provides a sharing and learning experience for members with many diverse skills.

At all meetings ATASDA members can:

  • view or take part in the Show and Tell display of work, including samples from recent workshops.
  • take part in a creative activity at each meeting with a small charge
  • learn about upcoming workshops
  • find out about what's going on and engage with decision-making in the Branch
  • participate in exhibitions, displays and challenges held regularly
  • browse and borrow from the library.

Quarterly Branch Meetings and Social Meetings are open to all members and their guests, so come and visit soon.

Brisbane Meetings are held upstairs at the BVAC Hub, 140 Weller Rd, Tarragindi, Qld
Texture Arts meetings are held at the Redland Yurara Art Society Studio, 262 Cleveland Redland Bay Rd, Thornlands, Qld

New members very welcome.

QLD Meeting


Bayside Texture Arts Social Meeting

Fri 4th Apr 2025 9:30 am -12:30 pm
Bayside Texture Arts Social Meeting

NEW MEMBERS WELCOME: First meeting free. 

VENUE: Yurara Art Society, 262 Cleveland-Redlands Bay Rd, Thornlands

TIME: from 9:30am

ENTRY FEE: $5.00 entry fee (cash) and (optional) 50 cents for tea and coffee.

BRING: a name tag, Show and Tell items (new creations or old favourites), morning tea to share.

Chris will lead a leaf printing activity.
Prepare now by collecting and pressing leaves. Find a heavy book and put some leaves between the pages. Place the leaves between tissue or baking paper or normal paper to stop them sticking to the book pages. If you can, choose leaves with prominent, interesting veins and varying shapes. 
IMG 8488
BRING:  watercolour paints, watercolour paint brushes, hand towel, jar for water, brayer (if you have one), paper to print on such as watercolour paper (at least 150 gsm). The better quality your paper is, the better your prints should be.
If any of you have an embossing / dye cut machine such as a Cuttlebug, Sizzix Big Shot (or any brand) please let Chris know if you can bring it. We only need about three. These make good printing presses if you add thick card, felt etc to the plastic plates. Bring some card and felt if you want to do that. 




Brisbane Social Meeting April

Sat 12th Apr 2025 9:00 am -12:00 pm
Brisbane Social Meeting April

NEW MEMBERS WELCOME: First meeting free. 
ENTRY FEE: $5.00 entry fee (cash), tea and coffee supplied

BRING: a name tag, Show and Tell items (new creations or old favourites), morning tea to share.

Textile Taster:  
Sun Dye  activity with Michelle Hutton

Sun Dyes are Heliographic or 'Sun Sensitive' fabric paints. After painting any fabric with Sun Dyes, you will place found objects, stencils or shapes on the fabric and expose it to full sun. Once the dye has dried you will be left with a beautiful ghost image of your shapes.

Please bring per person
$5 to cover costs
2 ice cream containers
A3 size plastic covered cardboard
Some natural prepared for dying fabric you wish to try (must be smaller than your piece of cardboard)

Tutor will supply
10 inch square cotton fabric



Bayside Texture Arts Social Meeting May

Fri 2nd May 2025 9:30 am -12:30 pm
Bayside Texture Arts Social Meeting May

NEW MEMBERS WELCOME: First meeting free. 

VENUE: Yurara Art Society, 262 Cleveland-Redlands Bay Rd, Thornlands

TIME: from 9:30am

ENTRY FEE: $5.00 entry fee (cash) and (optional) 50 cents for tea and coffee.

BRING: a name tag, Show and Tell items (new creations or old favourites), morning tea to share.





Brisbane Social Meeting May

Fri 9th May 2025 9:00 am -12:00 pm
Brisbane Social Meeting May

NEW MEMBERS WELCOME: First meeting free. 
ENTRY FEE: $5.00 entry fee (cash), tea and coffee supplied

BRING: a name tag, Show and Tell items (new creations or old favourites), morning tea to share.


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Our branches in all states welcome new members. Join online and come along to attend social days and workshops, learn new techniques, meet other artists and enjoy being part of a vibrant organisation.

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Faces and Flora Suitcase is currently touring the Northern Territory after travelling in Victoria for 3 months.

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