This program provides funding to ATASDA members living anywhere in Australia to assist with their continuing professional development in textile arts and surface design. Any member who meets all the eligibility criteria can apply for a grant.

Note: An applicant MUST have been an ATASDA member continuously for a minimum of 18 months to apply. 

These grants are to enable participation in a course or forum to expand skills in an area of interest relevant to textile art and surface design, or to develop an aspect of the member’s textile art practice, for example, by having an art exhibition or artist residency.


Latest News

At the NSW quarterly meeting our wonderful member Kathy Hawkins will be talking about her ....

Textile adventures in Paris

Come on an adventure to find hidden gems in Paris – from flea markets to palaces, exhibitions to street-wear… following Kathy’s textile explorations in Paris last October.

 For more details and to register

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Our branches in all states welcome new members. Join online and come along to attend social days and workshops, learn new techniques, meet other artists and enjoy being part of a vibrant organisation.

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Faces and Flora Suitcase is currently touring around Victoria, soon to go to other states...

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