Within each ATASDA branch, provision is made for smaller member groups to be established.

These groups may be formed on a geographical basis, a group of friends who are members, or members sharing a mutual interest in a particular area of textile arts, or with no particular common interest, just a passion and love of things 'textile'.

To establish a Group  a minimum of 5 members is required.

Currently, NSW has one active group: Frayed.

 Frayed logo smallATASDA Frayed  Frayed group members meet monthly on a Friday to encourage and support each other while working towards their biennial exhibition. Feedback is given on their current works and on occasions, exhibitions of interest are attended. Meetings are held in their Sydney homes on a rotating basis.

 There is scope for various kinds of groups, large or small, dependant upon how you envisage managing your group.

NSW is happy to hear from members who would like to establish a new group. For more information about setting up a group in NSW, contact the NSW Committee.

Latest News

At the NSW quarterly meeting our wonderful member Kathy Hawkins will be talking about her ....

Textile adventures in Paris

Come on an adventure to find hidden gems in Paris – from flea markets to palaces, exhibitions to street-wear… following Kathy’s textile explorations in Paris last October.

 For more details and to register

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Our branches in all states welcome new members. Join online and come along to attend social days and workshops, learn new techniques, meet other artists and enjoy being part of a vibrant organisation.

Join Us

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Faces and Flora Suitcase is currently touring around Victoria, soon to go to other states...

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